8/11/2021: Change to in-person session practice due to an increase in COVID-19 community transmission.
The CDC COVID -19 County Tracker data is showing that 8 of 10 the counties FBTA serves are at the Substantial level of COVID-19 community transmission. Kanabec and Chisago counties are at the High level. Due to this resurgence of the pandemic, FBTA will be discontinuing in-person sessions until CDC data suggests that the counties we serve demonstrate sustained community transmission in the Moderate or Low levels. The exception to this is if the client meets the original in-person criteria (i.e., lack of access to technology, potential harm to themselves or others). Being fully vaccinated is no longer enough to come in-office. We know that the Delta variant can be transmitted by fully vaccinated persons as easily as by the unvaccinated. Our stated goal since the outset of the pandemic has been to follow public health guidance in doing what we can to minimize the risk of contracting or transmitting the virus. Beginning this Wednesday August 11th, all intakes will be scheduled as telehealth appointments. Administrative staff will take the lead in notifying intakes scheduled for in-person appointments and therapists can lead in contacting their existing clients. Additionally, all clients and FBTA staff per CDC recommendations, will wear masks when in-office and throughout in-person sessions.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
6/1/2021: FBTA is now open to those members of the community who are fully vaccinated.
Family Based Therapy Associates is returning to in-office appointments for fully vaccinated persons* without the need to wear masks. The decision to return to this level of operations is in keeping with current CDC guidelines for persons who are fully vaccinated.
How we are implementing the return to this level of in-office appointments:
- Current clients who are fully vaccinated simply need to show proof of vaccination (i.e., COVID-19 vaccination card) to their therapist or administrative staff at the time of their first in-person visit. The statement, “Verified fully vaccinated on date/time by initials of staff-person making the observation”, will be noted. This note will not be part of the clinical record.
- Fully vaccinated staff-persons and clients will not need to wear masks, unless they choose to do so voluntarily.
- The waiting room will be open under limited seating capacity for fully vaccinated persons.
- Telehealth remains an option for fully vaccinated clients for whom it is clinically appropriate.
- Current and new clients who are not fully vaccinated will continue to be required to receive services via telehealth. Clients who are not fully vaccinated and who are deemed by their therapist to be at risk for harm to themselves or others, or for whom there are clear technological/age/behavioral related barriers for effective telehealth serve delivery can be seen in-person. Clients who are not fully vaccinated and who are seen in office will be required to wear masks, use hand sanitizer at entry and remain outside until called in by their therapist.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to follow CDC recommendations to balance the expansion of in-office appointments with continued mitigation of the community transmission of COVID-19. Current data suggests there is light at the end of tunnel. We at Family Based Therapy Associates cannot wait until we can safely resume pre-pandemic clinical and administrative practices in our offices.
Family Based Therapy Associates will continue to monitor vaccination, infection and positivity rates in the counties we serve in order to make the best science-based decisions to maintain the wellbeing of our clients and staff.
*Fully vaccinated means anyone who is (2) weeks past their last COVID -19 vaccination (2nd dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or 1st dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.)