Unfaithfulness in a marriage or committed relationship can severely strain a relationship and each of the partners. One partner’s affair can leave the other person feeling devastated, alone, betrayed, jealous, confused, and aggrieved. Sometimes, an affair ends a relationship. Other times, couples are able to repair the relationship and may be stronger as a result. Whether the relationship weathers the storm or not, an affair changes everything.
Many couples pursue therapy to determine whether or not to continue the relationship after an affair and to process their feelings surrounding the incident. The couple’s choice to either maintain or end the relationship will be respected and the therapist will serve the couple’s goals. Therapy can help each partner express their emotions and needs in a safe space, reveal each partner’s level of commitment to the relationship, teach the partners skills for repairing trust, and guide the couple through the process of healing.
Our therapists can also help clarify the true nature of the relationship by encouraging an open evaluation of the relationship’s strengths and weaknesses. If unhealthy patterns exist, such as codependency, emotional abuse, or repeated affairs, the therapist may call these into question. In addition, therapy can help those people who feel they are to blame for their partners’ infidelity to work through those feelings and obtain new perspectives.
If you need help sorting out the complexities of dealing with infidelity, give us a call today.